

Having the high quality of honey this plant known as Phacelia is a good forage plant, also it is bred as an green plant fertilizer and medical plant. As it has very small seeds it requires attention to texture and drainage.
Hay type of plant grows in moisture soil. Flowering time is May-October. It is flowers place on long stem as a stack. Plant’s back crown leaf is erect and it is like a stair for bugs.
Bermuda grass is a warm season grass varieties that tolerate high temperatures. In addition, it is resistant to drought. In cold climates it damaged.
Sydney is a warm season plant. It shows superior performance in areas full of sunshine. İt is adapt to all types of soil.
It has green color. It grows slowly and shows great performance under any type of growth condition
It is very dark green and fine textured than other type tall fescue.
It has dark green color and It has fine textured and fragile structure than other types of tall fescue.İt is much preferred due to want to low maintenance and high-stress environments easily protect the quality and appearance.
It grows well in cool and humid areas, high resistance to shade and has excellent resistance to flooding, especially in poorly drained soils
Dark green, fine and dense textured. Dark green, fine textured and often. It gives good results in all conditions and it is very early spring greening.
Rapidly closes the gaps that occur in the field through to strong rhizomes
Tolerant to cold and frost. Tolerance to drought conditions, it keeps its green color even in the warmest days.
Silver gray colored and hairy eliptic leaves. Always green, stem grows lying tothe ground, then get erect and forms flowering. Colored flowers have five crowned leaves. Flowering happens till spring end and they are White. It develops well in conductive soil.
Az bakım ister ve fakir topraklarda yetişebilir. Asitli topraklara karşı dayanıklıdır. Mavimsi yeşil renginden dolayı süs çimi olarak kullanılmaktadır.
It can recover quickly from the summer stress and foliolte quickly.
Under the terrestrial and mild climates this mixture can be safely used in parks, gardens, sports fields and highways.
Except for the Mediterrean and Aegean coastal parts, it is a sucessful mixture fort he places where the human being’s effects can be observed.
Except for the Mediterrean and Aegean coastal parts, it is a sucessful mixture for the places where the human being’s effects can be observed.
It is mixture when can be used in Marmara, Central Anatolia, East Anatolia and Blacksea regions.
High tolerance of shortmowing, wearness, warm, cold, shade and diseases. Additionally, it has dark green view and quick germination.
. In addition to its dark green color quality it is tolerant to dehydration, warmth, cold, shade and diseases. It is suitable for development in sport and game fields.
With high tolerance to be crushedand wearness it can be used in Marmara, Central Anatolia , Aegean, East Anatolia and Blacksearegions’ parks, gardens, including horses ports fields all the sports fields.